Certified Mediator Training in Virginia
Becoming a Certified Mediator allows you to take mediation referrals from Virginia’s courts.
There are four levels of certification in the state:
- General District Court mediator (GDC) — handling civil cases such as landlord/tenant, contract, employment disputes
- Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court mediator (JDR) — handling custody, visitation, child support, spousal support cases
- Circuit Court – Civil mediator (CCC) — handling complex civil cases
- Circuit Court – Family mediator (CCF) — handling complex family cases such as equitable distribution
Once certified you will need to recertify every 2 years and are required to complete a certain number of cases and hours of actual mediation as well as complete Mediator Continuing Education trainings.

The path to mediator certification is two-fold: you must complete course work (in-seat, certified mediator training) and a practicum for each level of certification you are aiming for. Visit Dispute Resolution Services at the Office of the Executive Secretary at the Supreme Court of Virginia (the certifying body for mediators in Virginia) to learn more about requirements to be a Virginia Certified Mediator.
Anyone interested in pursuing certification must have, at a minimum, a Bachelor’s degree or have applied for and received a waiver from Dispute Resolution Services.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Certified Mediator or about mediation training contact me or any other certified mediator to talk about the opportunities for mediation in the state.
You can also sign up for a mediation training. Just visit the training calendar to register. We hope you will join us for certified mediator training.